oh. – old


oh hey i know these people

Adrihana | Aileen | Alea | Alex | Alison | Chelemi | Elephant | Elaine | Hau Yee | Jenn Kwan | Jess Lee | Jess Loke | Jia MinJia Yoong | Joel | Josh Foo | Josh & Max | Ken Lam | Kavidha | Lindley | Meng Jin | Michelle | Nicole | Sheena | Siak Gee | Shwu Wei | Sook Hwa | Unbubbly | Yunn Chyau

sites i stalk

19 Seconds of Spring | 3 am from Kyoto | Andrew Hefter | BirdFlew | Culturepush | FFFFOUND | Graphic Exchange | Javajive | Jeremy Cowart | MUTEOh You | Overheard in New York  | PhotoSushi | PostSecret | Saramcpherson | Sentimental Snaps | StartDrawing | Supersteady/380 | Susan Loone | The Paper Mirror | ThreeThousand | Wanton Doodles | Yoko Tanji | Yuki